Selwyn Ridge Primary School Whānau Rōpū

Me tiro whakamuri, kia anga whakamua
Looking backwards to move forwards into the future


Each year we invite whānau Māori to join our whānau rōpū who will meet throughout the year to act as kaitiaki and advocate Te Ao Māori within our kura.

Our whānau rōpū is committed to enhancing te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the every day life of Te Kura o Selwyn Ridge.


To show your interest in joining our whānau rōpū, (Link TBC)

Click here

He aha te mea nui ki a tātou?

Why is it important to us?

  • to continue to ensure Māori culture is reflected in our kura
  • to strengthen and support tamariki identity as Māori within our kura
  • to nurture and strive for culturally empowered ākonga
  • to ensure our Māori students and their whānau are connected and have a sense of belonging to our kura

Ka pēhea tēnei e whakaatu ana i roto i te horopaki kura?

How is this reflected in our school context?

  • the integration of our te reo Māori progressions that are woven throughout the school day
  • embracing Māori culture through kapa haka, Matariki, te wiki o te reo Māori, local pūrakau, waiata and karakia
  • welcoming all new whānau through our Mihi Whakatau
  • connecting our Māori whānau and community with each other through initiatives such as the Māra Kai which is situated at one of our local marae - Tahuwhakatiki

Kapa Haka

At Selwyn Ridge Primary we provide opportunities for all of our ākonga to take part in kapa haka if they choose.

We have three rōpū at junior, middle and senior levels, and each rōpū works on their own programme for the year.

Our senior kapa haka have an opportunity to perform at the He Paku Whakangahau, and each rōpū will perform at our end of year Extravaganza.


We currently have over 180 tamariki involved in kapa haka and the numbers continue to grow each year.

One of our goals for 2024 is to work on a new kākahu design for the senior rōpū. Our whānau rōpū will work together to brainstorm ideas, work on a design and find suppliers in order to bring our kakahū design to fruition.

Mihi Whakatau

Each term we welcome all new ākonga and their whānau to our kura through our Mihi Whakatau. During the welcome one of our kapa haka will waiata tautoko and after the formalities the rōpū will perform while each new ākonga applies their fingerprint to our very special pou whenua at the front of our kura.

Our whānau rōpū are welcome to attend and tautoko this event.

The Mihi Whakatau is also a great opportunity for our senior ākonga to take leadership roles in whaikōrero and karanga.

Mihi Whakatau_3_cropped.jpg




During Matariki each year our class-room teachers and vertical teams work hard to provide ākonga with learning experiences that enhance understanding around this very important event for our whānau Māori.

As a rōpū we will work together to generate ideas for a whole school event either annually or bi-annually.

This could be a hāngi and concert event, disco, gala day and picnic lunch or breakfast and a show.

The whānau rōpū team will decide on the event for the year and organise the details alongside our STAR and Pasifika groups to provide an amazing Matariki experience for our community.

Māra Kai

With support from BOP Sport and Bunnings, we have begun to establish a māra kai at our local marae, Tahuwhakatiki.

This is an ongoing project that requires much tautoko from our kura whānau and the wider community.

Once the new wharekai is built we will be able to continue this project with the support of our whānau rōpū.

