• Fee: $30 per child
  • Year: 1-2
  • Starts: Tuesday, 16 February - 5 weeks
  • Where: School Field
  • Time: 2.45pm - 3.30pm


This 5 week programme will be run by our school sports co ordinator Julie Taylor. Julie will introduce children to a variety of fun sports. They will use fun gear and play games in a fun environment while keeping active and developing their skills. They will learn how to play as part of a team and to show sportsmanship towards others. Parents are to take their child to the field after school with a small afternoon tea. The fun begins at 2:45pm. Children are to wear a hat and sports clothes or school uniform. Please bring a water bottle. In the event of bad weather it will be held in the school hall.



JT’S “FOCUS ON FUN” Registration Form